Dion - Runaround Sue
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DionRunaround Sue
Golden NotesYes
Date10.02.14 - 20:31
Uploaded byWay2Evil
Rating (2)
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01.07.23 - 18:51 | bohning

30.07.20 - 09:04 | Way2Evil
I"m not sure any more, and right now I can"t check, but mostly with these old song I use the album or studio version for audio and try to match a video to it as best as possible.

28.07.20 - 16:51 | Fraggansi
Way2Evil hmm it might be, although it seems unlikely. Did you build the song from the standard album version or did you use the audio from a video or somesuch?

28.07.20 - 10:56 | Way2Evil
Maybe you used a different version of the song?

23.07.20 - 13:10 | Fraggansi
The chorus matches the song, but the verses are off. I couldn"t fix the issue, maybe someone else could look into it? Thanks in advance.

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