Måns Zelmerlöw - Heroes (ESC 2016 Sweden)
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Måns ZelmerlöwHeroes (ESC 2016 Sweden)
Golden NotesYes
Date07.03.15 - 20:04
Uploaded bydaggeg
Rating (4)
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Comments by users (two cents)
30.05.15 - 17:02 | daggeg
You can use the video from the live performance anyhow since the music for that was prerecorded. I.e. the timing is the same as for the studio version. Therefore we use the live performance for the video and the studio version for the mp3.

30.05.15 - 15:14 | coolertech
This is a great song, can anyone make the same but that syncs to the Live version, I love the special effects

24.05.15 - 11:18 | daggeg
Not exactly my cup of tea. But now that it won the whole shebang I hope it"s not only my kids who appreciate this work

10.03.15 - 12:08 | askusbloodfist

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