Disney’s Pocahontas - Colors Of The Wind
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Disney’s PocahontasColors Of The Wind
Golden NotesYes
Date09.06.08 - 19:48
Uploaded byCaruso
Rating (5)
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Comments by users (two cents)
19.11.22 - 23:52 | bohning

02.08.20 - 02:48 | dimgog1992
it works!

05.05.13 - 01:30 | ulovecar
Thank you
Caruso &
lucascuen I just used the video & sound given by Caruso. And set the GAP to 6000.

@leaby. I tried to use different "video" and tried changing the BPM. The BPM never matched & I gave up. Just use the "video" given by Caruso.

16.07.11 - 00:17 | lucascuen
I changed gap, 6000 worked for me with the song of the video above

10.03.11 - 09:38 | sebleamd
soweit, so gut... ne deutsche Version wäre auch nett Ähm, Interpret dürfte Jennifer Rush sein?! Oder direkte Fassung aus dem Film klingt softer.

20.01.10 - 18:00 | leaby
This is good, I think I had to change the BPM but that may"ve just been for the video

09.06.08 - 19:51 | Caruso
Hier gibt’s das Video, zu dem die txt passen sollte:

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