Britney Spears - Womanizer
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Britney SpearsWomanizer
Golden NotesYes
Date02.01.09 - 21:43
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Rating (16)
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Comments by users (two cents)
06.09.20 - 00:31 | Quetzaldo

03.12.14 - 19:55 | Darooo1991
my first song with great artist on easy

06.02.10 - 16:08 | whocares
Great and GAP 14350 works perfectly. Thx@KrazeeCat. thx for sharing

14.02.09 - 01:25 | KrazeeCat
You did a really good job on that one...I had to fix my gap to 14350 (a song that lasts 3min44 sec.) 5 stars!

16.01.09 - 20:17 | perzu25
amazing song

11.01.09 - 16:40 | Silverbeam

You probably deleted the BPM-Tag, which is originally included in this txt.

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09.01.09 - 18:26 | yapsu
Ultrastar says that the BPM tag is missing

03.01.09 - 14:37 | Devilsasa
Song you touch, song that you convert in gold ;D.

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