A Perfect Circle - Judith
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A Perfect CircleJudith
Golden NotesYes
Date16.06.10 - 00:07
Uploaded byEggman
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Comments by users (two cents)
16.03.20 - 21:39 | godspeedyou
It’s indeed very good and fun to sing to. I’m not sure if all the long "He did it all for you" parts don’t have any melody variations toward their ends, but it’s great nonetheless.

16.01.11 - 01:58 | PeteSapai
Oh, didn;t know that. Well, nevermind then

11.01.11 - 16:23 | Silverbeam
PeteSapai: There`s also a censored version, where he sings "Thank"

11.01.11 - 12:45 | PeteSapai
"_Thank_ your god"? Maybe you should listen to the song again, I"m pretty sure he uses some other word there

As for the notes, it"s pretty decent.

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