Swedish House Mafia feat. John Martin - Don’t You Worry Child
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Swedish House Mafia feat. John MartinDon’t You Worry Child
Golden NotesYes
Date11.02.13 - 06:20
Uploaded byvicktoben
Rating (9)
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Comments by users (two cents)
06.06.22 - 18:30 | bohning

07.03.15 - 16:14 | ultrastarsongs
Well, you"re right. About 1% of all videos I know are different from the original version.

Personally, I prefer singing with a video playing in the background and I"m quite sure that there a many others who do the same.

You surely are free to notify everbody here about your preferences, but it"s rather exaggerated to command all the hardworking txt-creators to only make album versions.

As I said before, learn how to edit a txt and rewrite it to the version you desire. Rather contribute than complain...

06.03.15 - 19:19 | TB
Ultrastarsongs. />

Im just saying... I think that everyone should create songs on their original songs, not to official videos because as you know, some of them got pauses, speeches etc...

06.03.15 - 17:20 | fepo

Yes, they are our little birdie in the nest. Wait constantly for feed and do not work for themselves.

06.03.15 - 04:10 | ultrastarsongs
Dude, more speech than singing is quite a stretch, isn"t it?

You should rather be thankful that someone did this song.

I mean, if you don"t like the version stop complaining and start making your own.

05.03.15 - 22:32 | TB
Why would someone made this with lyrics in the video where there is more speech from the side rather than singing. You should have to do it toward the song from the SHM official album, where there is no speech at the beginning and the end.

12.05.13 - 12:26 | MrBasic
Die Textdatei passt sehr gut zur offiziellen Video-Version. Ich habe es so eingestellt und das passt sehr gut:




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