Billy Idol - White Wedding (Album Version)
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Billy IdolWhite Wedding (Album Version)
Golden NotesNo
Date30.07.13 - 14:18
Uploaded byGurkenwasser
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Comments by users (two cents)
03.06.22 - 17:43 | bohning

13.04.14 - 22:16 | LoCInuyasha
Your timing is great, with the exception of a few places where the held notes cut off earlier than you stop them.. I also think you should freestyle the backup vocals in the two places they"re included.

However, a lot of the notes themselves seem to be off, vastly in some places. To start off, the high "Start again" parts should be 16 rather than 14. A number of the other parts feel wrong as well.

Great work so far, and thank you for sharing it. I look forward to seeing more.

31.07.13 - 09:09 | Gurkenwasser
mp3 Version: Fetenhits - The Real Classics II

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