Luis Fonsi & Demi Lovato - Échame la culpa [DUET]
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Luis Fonsi & Demi LovatoÉchame la culpa [DUET]
Golden NotesNo
Date13.03.23 - 23:03
Uploaded byblewmaxx
Song edited by:Stefan1200
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Comments by users (two cents)
12.03.23 - 15:29 | Stefan1200
I added most of the missing text lines/words for both voices (based on this music video). I also added all missing Spanish characters (saved in UTF-8 with BOM). My last edit some minutes ago should be online here in some hours.

But I did not check the tone pitch of the added text lines, because I'm not good at this. But I used the tone pitch from Luis Fonsi, which was already in this txt file. So it should be good enough to sing. But feel free to correct this.

Since this is a duet song, don't forget to add the P1 and P2 tags, because USDB don't support them.

03.06.22 - 12:48 | Rumpelrumpel

19.10.18 - 01:17 | march
Very nice but some parts of the text are missing.

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