The Greatest Showman - A Million Dreams (Movie Version) [DUET]
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The Greatest ShowmanA Million Dreams (Movie Version) [DUET]
Golden NotesYes
Date21.10.18 - 23:03
Uploaded bymatthu
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16.12.18 - 10:07 | Stefan1200
matthu: Thank you very much, I look forward to the txt file for the music video fBjVZ16XMng. Have a nice Christmas time.

06.11.18 - 19:01 | matthu
Stefan1200, I was considering that music video since it is well made, but opted for the movie version instead. I'll have to work on that next!

06.11.18 - 18:58 | matthu
Synced with this video, the high GAP is to cut out the beginning circus scene. Make sure to add P1 and P2 to the text file. P1 is the boy and P2 is the girl, but I made both sing the first bit to not leave out P2.

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