Getter Jaani - Rockefeller Street
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Getter JaaniRockefeller Street
Golden NotesYes
Date28.08.24 - 01:37
Uploaded byarch1t3cht30
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29.08.24 - 01:01 | arch1t3cht30
Thanks for letting me know about those. I wrote my own script that creates an ultrastar file from a midi file and a lyrics txt file, because that was the workflow that worked best for me. I've been testing this with Melody Mania and using files generated from its editor as a reference. Either those did not have those line break timings, or I somehow missed them. I'll adjust my script to include them and update the songs I uploaded.

28.08.24 - 22:45 | bohning
Why (and how) are your songs missing the line break timings? This file won't work at least for USDX. This is/was also the case for your other uploads.

28.08.24 - 22:44 | bohning

28.08.24 - 22:23 | arch1t3cht30
Last time I tried them they weren't synced to the video, at least with the download I used. To be fair I did not double-check before mapping the song, but that's why I had it mentally marked as "not mapped".

28.08.24 - 12:55 | b4St1@fuN
txt with doubled BPM already twice available or am I missing something?

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