Red Hot Chili Peppers - Dosed
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Red Hot Chili PeppersDosed
Golden NotesYes
Date04.05.11 - 20:46
Uploaded bychoosie
Rating (2)
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Comments by users (two cents)
07.06.22 - 19:34 | bohning

05.12.11 - 18:49 | Silverbeam
There are several possible reasons.

a) You have to adjust the GAP. You need to do that with nearly every mp3, because they vary due to different encoders, bitrate etc. even if they are taken from the same source.

b) You are using the wrong version. If the album-version doesn"t work, try the single edit, video version or stick to the sample, that most of the creators post in addition to their txts.

c) The txt file has been created by some unexperienced user and contains errors. Idicators for that can be low BPM (<200), bad ratings and comments.

Here is a manual giving you a hint at how to add songs properly.

05.12.11 - 16:59 | quotenoesi
How comes most of the songs here don"t fit at all with my mp3-files? i got the album versions of every song but still sound and text ain"t the least syncronized...

Does anyone know why that is?

04.06.11 - 19:46 | Chestero
Thanx a lot! It fits very well

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