This version should fit perfectly to the song version on the soundtrack CD.
To line "We would all have ? to sing": Lyrics pages in the internet say "learned", DVD subtitles say "lungs". I couldn´t decide on base of what I heard, but I think that 1. DVD is a better source and 2. "lungs" would (in my opinion) fit better with Douglas Adams´ humour.
To line "lean back and let the world dissolve ... ": The men´s choir continues to sing "around you", but I didn´t know how to combine with the women´s choir´s line, so I decided to remove it.
Raw file made with Yass, note pitch and length made with USDX´ internal editor.
This is my first self-made song, comments highly welcome.
(I think I will add Huma´s Hymn soon. This was fun. EDIT: