Flo Rida feat. T-Pain - Low
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Flo Rida feat. T-PainLow
Golden NotesYes
Date07.05.14 - 20:52
Uploaded byMuhCow
Song edited by:lozboorman
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Audio SampleAudio Sample von hitparade.ch

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Comments by users (two cents)
23.07.21 - 22:46 | zappy4
Seems to work without changes with the offical video:

04.06.09 - 18:03 | jalkazar
When will you upload the new version britneyblisswilliams?

29.05.09 - 20:38 | britneyblisswilliams
Okay. I"ve got most of them done. I will upload it as soon as I check it using US

25.05.09 - 16:16 | Karakth
Thanks for the upload just the same!

25.05.09 - 10:58 | snake84
Yes, all notes except the chorus look the same. That's why I put the song here so someone with a talent for notes can edit and finish it

25.05.09 - 10:08 | Karakth
I"ve been trying to make this song into an Ultrastar version... From the midi, practically all the notes except the chorus are the same.

24.05.09 - 17:23 | britneyblisswilliams
Well the chorus is fine, but the rest is like just all free-syle. Ack. Somebody needs to figure it out.

24.05.09 - 15:37 | snake84
Im not sure if I got the text correct. Can anyone get the correct notes for text in italics (F)?

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