Craig David feat. Sting - Rise & Fall [DUET]
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Craig David feat. StingRise & Fall [DUET]
Golden NotesYes
Date08.10.10 - 16:20
Uploaded byCaruso
Rating (2)
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20.11.22 - 00:01 | bohning

12.10.10 - 13:38 | Caruso
You have to add the duet-tags manually, before you can use this txt.

At the beginning of the lyric-part, i.e. after the last line that starts with a # (Header-information) you need to add: P1

Scroll down the txt and watch the numbers, that indicate the beginning of each note increasing. Once you come to the point where these numbers are starting with a lower value, add P2 after the line with the highest number and before the line with the low number, since here begins the part for Singer 2.

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