Biffy Clyro - Many Of Horror
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Biffy ClyroMany Of Horror
Golden NotesYes
Date16.01.11 - 16:29
Uploaded byDavidTiger
Song edited by:fepo
Rating (1)
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Comments by users (two cents)
03.01.11 - 19:12 | ceasarea
Thanks, for your effort Tiger! I love this group and this song. (God and Satan from them is also a great song).

03.01.11 - 14:15 | fepo
Oh, fine, a video for this awesome song! And easy to sing... only C

I try it

02.01.11 - 23:42 | DavidTiger
Oh and the mp3 and mp4 video. I use with this txt came from here:

02.01.11 - 23:41 | DavidTiger
Yes I know, but my song txt never appeared for sometime after I submitted it!

Then I was busy and never had time to comment on this, JEES!

There is no free midi file I could find for this, therefor no pitches in the txt and I didn't have time to correct the pitches myself.

This song was created as a quick thing for our new year party, it was a requested song by a guest. It was made and quick fine tune on the night of the party in about 30 minutes.

Only reason I uploaded here was to save others starting from scratch to create this awesome song!

Easily add the pitches and then fine tune this txt file then re-upload to the website..

Will save someone a lot of time!..

02.01.11 - 16:00 | Eggman
Vielen Dank für die Info dass die Tonhöhen und Finetuning noch gemacht werden müssen!!! *kopfschüttel*

Leute, bitte keine unfertigen Songs einfach so eintragen! DANKE!

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