Alessia Cara - Scars To Your Beautiful
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Alessia CaraScars To Your Beautiful
Golden NotesYes
Date09.02.17 - 16:16
Uploaded byamro98
Rating (3)
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Comments by users (two cents)
10.02.17 - 11:29 | QuantenspringerXXX
wow thanks

10.02.17 - 11:10 | amro98
scudder Thank you for your feedback, really appreciate it

10.02.17 - 00:20 | scudder
YES YES YES. Love this song. THANK YOU to amro98 for creating this.

TXT files is VERY well done. For those who want a video, the official one is nice but doesn't match MP3 because it has over a minute of extra talking interspersed. However, Alessia just did straightforward rendition of this on SNL and the video matches almost perfectly to the regular audio (linked by amro98) if you just add this to TXT file:


Snag the SNL video here while you can. Not sure if these stick around forever:

09.02.17 - 22:04 | amro98

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