Chaos Chaos feat. Justin Roiland - Terryfold [DUET]
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Chaos Chaos feat. Justin RoilandTerryfold [DUET]
Golden NotesNo
Date13.09.17 - 19:49
Uploaded byGaryCXJk
Rating (1)
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Comments by users (two cents)
28.10.23 - 15:03 | bohning
Yes, USDB expects CRLF, LF does not work.

28.10.23 - 14:41 | GaryCXJk
Because USDB now supports rap notes, I've decided to re-upload the rap version, as well as upload the regular version, which is why I'll rename this one with the [DUET] tag.

EDIT: Seems like I'm having difficulty uploading it. I'll try it again later, update it when it works out.

EDIT2: Had to use this as the basis, apparently there was something with the file itself.

EDIT3: Seems like USDB only supports CRLF, not LF (CRLF is Windows style line breaks, LF is UNIX). Might be a different issue, though, but I assume this is the primary issue.

20.08.23 - 11:54 | bohning

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