Lady Gaga - Bad Romance
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Lady GagaBad Romance
Golden NotesYes
Date13.12.09 - 19:59
Uploaded bymichas17j
Song edited by:IC
Rating (47)
Audio SampleAudio Sample von apple.com

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Comments by users (two cents)
25.11.24 - 23:08 | bohning

13.03.11 - 16:48 | claudio bertozzi
This song is the ultimate #1 in Singstars Singstore

02.11.10 - 22:00 | synonomy
Absolutely perfect. Can almost ace it it"s that accurate. Thank you!

11.06.10 - 15:40 | Mr Flow
Ich habe die fehlende Stelle im Text ergänzt und einige der "~"-Zeichen ersetzt, da sie das Textlesen beim Singen sehr erschwert haben.
Die Textdatei passt so wie sie ist perfekt zu meiner .m4a Version aus iTunes.

03.01.10 - 15:05 | Eggy
Hey... thanks! This is a great song!

29.12.09 - 17:43 | Squall-Leonhart
Great !!! Thanks ;3

25.12.09 - 21:47 | michas17j
"Rah rah" no problem "oh lala"

25.12.09 - 21:41 | tokomoxo
excelente tema muchas gracias al creador!!!

21.12.09 - 23:59 | cristina55

20.12.09 - 19:33 | bakus33
Roma Roma ma a, Gaga Ulala

Good Job

18.12.09 - 07:01 | britneyblisswilliams
IC’s edit is really popular :3

17.12.09 - 22:12 | michas17j
Yupi, GaGa on first place!!

11.11.09 - 18:06 | britneyblisswilliams
thanks silverbeam. bug thumbs up

11.11.09 - 15:06 | borstianer
Thanks a lot Silverbeam... Now it´s perfect

11.11.09 - 12:29 | Silverbeam
There´s another "Oh, caught in a bad romance" in the beginning and 2 more "walk, walk fashion baby" in the middle of the song. The Video-Version is also slightly faster.

I´ve added these parts so the txt should fit to the video now.

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