3OH!3 feat. Ke$ha - My First Kiss
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3OH!3 feat. Ke$haMy First Kiss
Golden NotesYes
Date10.06.10 - 19:44
Uploaded bymichas17j
Rating (3)
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Comments by users (two cents)
13.06.10 - 03:34 | britneyblisswilliams
With all this arguing going around I feel like I live in Grand Central Station. Tonight I am not taking any comments cause I’ll be dancin’.

13.06.10 - 03:22 | klops_007
Ok just stop it. All of you said something right. Just Forget.

13.06.10 - 01:23 | gaspar17
You have a problem michas. when i say that your txt is perfect it"s all fine, but when i say that something that you don"t like to see you say : "My text is better". leave this for the other people choose.

12.06.10 - 01:30 | britneyblisswilliams
Why do you not ask Michas to stop saying "this text is better" then we wouldn"t have these arguments

11.06.10 - 23:50 | gaspar17
whatever michas... you think that your txts are perfects but not exist txts perfects, and you don"t have the right to doing that your txts are better than my txts!

11.06.10 - 20:16 | michas17j
Gaspar, how time you"re doing songs for UltraStar? Definitely shorter than me, so please not teach me, ok?

11.06.10 - 17:14 | gaspar17
exist 4or5 words that isn"t perfects in sync. but the rest is good. and in the begin could exist more to sing, but the rest of the txt is very good.

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